# info command The **info** command shows detailed information about package slices. It complements the {{find_cmd}}. Whereas the `find` command searches for existing slices, the `info` command takes in slice or package name(s) and displays the slice definition(s). It accepts a whitespace-separated list of strings. The list can be composed of package names, slice names, or a combination of both. The default output format is YAML. When multiple arguments are provided, the output is a list of YAML documents separated by a `---` line. Slice definitions are shown according to their definition in the selected release. For example, globs are not expanded. ## Options - `--release` is a {{chisel_releases_repo}} branch or local directory (e.g. ubuntu-22.04). ## Example The following illustrates using the `info` command to inspect multiple slices: ```{terminal} :input: chisel info hello libgcc-s1_libs 2>logs package: hello archive: ubuntu slices: bins: essential: - hello_copyright - libc6_libs contents: /usr/bin/hello: {} copyright: contents: /usr/share/doc/hello/copyright: {} --- package: libgcc-s1 archive: ubuntu slices: libs: essential: - libgcc-s1_copyright - libc6_libs contents: /usr/lib/*-linux-*/libgcc_s.so.*: {} ```