(chisel-releases_ref)= # chisel-releases Chisel uses **slice definitions files** (aka SDFs) to define the slices of packages. SDFs are YAML files, and there is one per package and per Ubuntu release, named after the package name. For a given Ubuntu release, the collection of SDFs plus a configuration file named `chisel.yaml` form what is called a _chisel-release_. The {{chisel_releases_repo}} contains a number of branches for various _chisel-releases_, matching the corresponding Ubuntu releases. A _chisel-release_ is simply a directory with the following structure: ``` ├── chisel.yaml └── slices ├── pkgA.yaml ├── pkgB.yaml └── ... ``` The following pages provide more details on: ```{toctree} :maxdepth: 1 chisel.yaml slice-definitions ```